Dan (The Deej) Jourdan
Any and all things legal to get you more customers

Looking for Sales Manager

Published Sep 18, 2023
Hey, David, it's the. I have been this weekend just figuring out all different ways. Thank you. I trying out looking. Hey take care of me here. Give me a flu. I'll think about all different ways to use this kind of clean approach. And and then I saw that you're your, I guess, the cofounder there made that video with with... Having a having people, you know, reply to it that they they apply for a job or would have you. And I just got off the phone earlier with a guy who's a sales manager, and he's trying to get people to use video and nobody uses video. Man, if they can't make a video on the you know, on the first go round, it's just not even a chance. And anyhow I also wanted to figure out a way to use this for... To put it on my website. It only goes 90 seconds, and I tend to go a little... Longer oh I see the little 35 thing in here. Anyhow. I actually like the 90 seconds because it keeps me on track anyhow. So I couldn't put it on my website. That's a special thing I was gonna do. I was trying to kinda get you on there. We gotta figure out a way to do it. Anyway, I'm gonna reply to this, I'm gonna send you a a link for a landing page for some coaching. You and your partner, whatever, it's the same price... It usually do teams not individuals. And so let's do it. Talk you soon.