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CEO @ hyperleap
Let me show you how it works in this screen shareat

I'd like to run a free test for you on a position or a stack of resumes you'd like to do a peliminary screen on. I'm ready to help. I'd like to increase the quality of your hires, save you time screening candidates and eliminate no shows for interviews going forward.

Thanks for getting to this point and click them through on this email I sent you. I just wanna do a quick unboxing and we got 90 seconds set on this intro view. So every back and forth is 90 seconds, this is my logged in view, create a new post, go through this process, send that link to all your candidates for a particular job. Here's the post. You can add teammates to it. These are team members on my side, they can review all applications. You then have the 9 people in this case, 9 people have replied. And in this over here, we have 43 total back and forth videos. Here is a you know, this is all in reverse chronological order. So here's a reply I made to a candidate Roman. And you can go up. You can see our whole back and forth exchange here. Me, then Roman, then I reply with another follow up, Roman, follow up to that 1, Roman replies, and with this final follow up. You can share this whole chain. You can add team members they can either be they can either be just viewers comment or they can also jump in and and send actual video. Alright. I'm gonna cut this short. I'm running out of time, but just a quick box.