Hello. My name is Christie, and I am a founder of Ava skincare. I started my journey into clean skincare and clean beauty a little over 5 years ago. And it was not in the easy journey. It's really hard to figure out what ingredients are good and what ingredients our best to avoid and to figure out what products have, you know, which ingredients because there's a lot of green washing and and marketing that goes on in the industry to try to convince you that something is good when it may not be so good. So anyway, I feel that it's important to share the the things that I learned along the way with others who are looking to do some similar. So wanted to come on here and suggest that you ask me a question. You know, asking me a question about products about ingredients about how to find the right clean beauty products for you, and I will gladly answer. So I look forward to seeing the and hearing about the questions that you all have, please post a video and I will respond. To hair.